WRJ:n alaiset westernratsastuskilpailut 3.6.2020

WRJ1 - WRJ2 - WRJ3 - WRJ4 - WRJ5 - WRJ6 - WRJ7 - WRJ8 - WRJ9 - WRJ10


  • Kilpailupäivä 3.6.2020, viim. ilmoittautumispäivä 30.5.2020
  • Järjestyspaikka virtuaalitalli Mustang (MUST4309), vastuuhenkilö Katariina K (VRL-00700)
  • Arvontatapana lyhyt arvonta arvontakoneella
  • Tulokset tulevat osallistujalistan tilalle
  • Avoimet kaikille
  • Rajoitukset

  • Yhteen luokkaan otetaan yhteensä 100 osallistujaa
  • Luokka järjestetään, vaikka siinä olisi vain yksi osallistuja
  • Yksi ratsastaja saa osallistua yhteen luokkaan kymmenellä (10) hevosella
  • Hevonen saa osallistua korkeintaan kuuteen (6) luokkaan
  • Ratsastajan VRL-tunnus on pakollinen, hevosen VH-tunnus vapaaehtoinen
  • Osallistuminen

    Osallistu sähköpostiin katariina@virtuaalitallimustang.net otsikolla WRJ 1-10 seuraavanlaisesti:

    Ratsastaja (VRL-tunnus) - Hevonen VH-tunnus

    Yhdellä osallistumisella osallistut kaikkiin kisaryppään kisoihin (10kpl).


    1. Barrel racing
    2. Pole bending
    3. Keyhole race
    4. Cutting
    5. Reined cow horse
    6. Calf roping


    1. BARREL RACING 60 os.
    1. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mail Breaker VH15-014-0020 
    2. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Hummingbird 
    3. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Mustang's Rosy Vision VH17-016-0050 
    4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Maverick 
    5. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Growling Hippogriff 
    6. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Chinook's Helium VH14-037-0058 
    7. Chao (VRL-02415) - Pretty Faces VH20-037-0010 
    8. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Laugh Out Loud VH19-052-0016
    9. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Skyline Evander VH18-072-0011
    10. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Love U VH17-052-0042
    11. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Crampton Hussock VH17-115-0006
    12. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Beat The Rhytm VH19-014-0032
    13. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Faster than You VH17-052-0043
    14. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Candyday vtk VH18-014-0098
    15. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Illinois Z-42
    16. Alisé (VRL-13542) - Rocco
    17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Winner Lena Ion
    18. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Mustang's Evil Eye VH17-072-0006
    19. Sorel (VRL-00884) - B.B. Brink Pink
    20. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Headlock Pop VH06-052-5031
    21. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Black Mind VH17-014-0104
    22. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Bayleigh
    23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rainbow Six Siege
    24. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Unspeakable Truth
    25. Tanja (VRL-07777) - KH Dameer VH16-003-0186
    26. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Sugilite Wiya VH19-102-0014
    27. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Lily Of The Valley VH20-055-0008
    28. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Princess Kiss VH17-081-0017
    29. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Zoisite Wiya VH19-179-0002
    30. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Magic Flute VH19-081-0002
    31. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Curl Case VH18-081-0002
    32. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Taken by Taboo Things
    33. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Secretit VH17-014-0048
    34. Odelie (VRL-08973) - Constantine VH17-052-0057
    35. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Kaliska Wiya VH19-014-0043
    36. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Hafa Farihah al Qismat
    37. Viixi (VRL-13923) - Poppariprinssi
    38. Sorel (VRL-00884) - CHR Havana Rock VH16-014-0171
    39. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Autumn Dream VH19-014-0031
    40. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Ghalib ox VH19-003-0029
    41. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Sun Paradox VH20-052-0007
    42. Sorel (VRL-00884) - CHR Backtrack Child VH16-052-0071
    43. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Blue Rock Rafael
    44. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Cobra Strike DLHS VH18-014-0190
    45. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Awhina VH20-002-0003
    46. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Heza Tingaling VH17-014-0050
    47. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Nouvion Urban Wilderness
    48. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Latifah ox VH19-003-0028
    49. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Mankalita Ino VH19-037-0003
    50. Valo (VRL-14859) - BAFF Arpegiar Segundorico VH20-236-0007
    51. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Zircon Wiya VH19-179-0003
    52. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Awen Skittle
    53. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Okhmhaka VH19-037-0004
    54. Pierre (VRL-10531) - All About Agony
    55. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ready Aim Fire
    56. Chao (VRL-02415) - Old Man Jack VH20-037-0009
    57. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Cherry Chiccona VH17-014-0049
    58. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Jillian
    59. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ready Set Go
    60. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Touch of Sky DLHS VH18-014-0189
    2. POLE BENDING 60 os.
    1. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Sugilite Wiya VH19-102-0014 
    2. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Zircon Wiya VH19-179-0003 
    3. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Candyday vtk VH18-014-0098 
    4. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mail Breaker VH15-014-0020 
    5. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Hafa Farihah al Qismat 
    6. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Beat The Rhytm VH19-014-0032 
    7. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Bayleigh 
    8. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Princess Kiss VH17-081-0017
    9. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Love U VH17-052-0042
    10. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ready Set Go
    11. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Awhina VH20-002-0003
    12. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Cobra Strike DLHS VH18-014-0190
    13. Tanja (VRL-07777) - KH Dameer VH16-003-0186
    14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Taken by Taboo Things
    15. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Curl Case VH18-081-0002
    16. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Mankalita Ino VH19-037-0003
    17. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Awen Skittle
    18. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Black Mind VH17-014-0104
    19. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Hummingbird
    20. Alisé (VRL-13542) - Rocco
    21. Chao (VRL-02415) - Pretty Faces VH20-037-0010
    22. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Cherry Chiccona VH17-014-0049
    23. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ready Aim Fire
    24. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Jillian
    25. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Chinook's Helium VH14-037-0058
    26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Maverick
    27. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Lily Of The Valley VH20-055-0008
    28. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Growling Hippogriff
    29. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Sun Paradox VH20-052-0007
    30. Sorel (VRL-00884) - CHR Backtrack Child VH16-052-0071
    31. Odelie (VRL-08973) - Constantine VH17-052-0057
    32. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Headlock Pop VH06-052-5031
    33. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Skyline Evander VH18-072-0011
    34. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Faster than You VH17-052-0043
    35. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Latifah ox VH19-003-0028
    36. Viixi (VRL-13923) - Poppariprinssi
    37. Sorel (VRL-00884) - CHR Havana Rock VH16-014-0171
    38. Sorel (VRL-00884) - B.B. Brink Pink
    39. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Autumn Dream VH19-014-0031
    40. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Unspeakable Truth
    41. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Kaliska Wiya VH19-014-0043
    42. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Heza Tingaling VH17-014-0050
    43. Pierre (VRL-10531) - All About Agony
    44. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rainbow Six Siege
    45. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Laugh Out Loud VH19-052-0016
    46. Valo (VRL-14859) - BAFF Arpegiar Segundorico VH20-236-0007
    47. Chao (VRL-02415) - Old Man Jack VH20-037-0009
    48. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Zoisite Wiya VH19-179-0002
    49. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Touch of Sky DLHS VH18-014-0189
    50. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Blue Rock Rafael
    51. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Crampton Hussock VH17-115-0006
    52. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Mustang's Rosy Vision VH17-016-0050
    53. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Nouvion Urban Wilderness
    54. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Winner Lena Ion
    55. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Ghalib ox VH19-003-0029
    56. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Magic Flute VH19-081-0002
    57. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Okhmhaka VH19-037-0004
    58. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Secretit VH17-014-0048
    59. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Illinois Z-42
    60. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Mustang's Evil Eye VH17-072-0006
    3. KEYHOLE RACE 60 os.
    1. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Okhmhaka VH19-037-0004 
    2. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Sugilite Wiya VH19-102-0014 
    3. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Touch of Sky DLHS VH18-014-0189 
    4. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Magic Flute VH19-081-0002 
    5. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Hafa Farihah al Qismat 
    6. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Latifah ox VH19-003-0028 
    7. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Zoisite Wiya VH19-179-0002 
    8. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Heza Tingaling VH17-014-0050
    9. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Growling Hippogriff
    10. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Lily Of The Valley VH20-055-0008
    11. Alisé (VRL-13542) - Rocco
    12. Sorel (VRL-00884) - B.B. Brink Pink
    13. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Maverick
    14. Sorel (VRL-00884) - CHR Havana Rock VH16-014-0171
    15. Sorel (VRL-00884) - CHR Backtrack Child VH16-052-0071
    16. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Headlock Pop VH06-052-5031
    17. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Rainbow Six Siege
    18. Odelie (VRL-08973) - Constantine VH17-052-0057
    19. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Secretit VH17-014-0048
    20. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Skyline Evander VH18-072-0011
    21. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Autumn Dream VH19-014-0031
    22. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Zircon Wiya VH19-179-0003
    23. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Awen Skittle
    24. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Kaliska Wiya VH19-014-0043
    25. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Illinois Z-42
    26. Pierre (VRL-10531) - All About Agony
    27. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Hummingbird
    28. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Faster than You VH17-052-0043
    29. Tanja (VRL-07777) - KH Dameer VH16-003-0186
    30. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Curl Case VH18-081-0002
    31. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Nouvion Urban Wilderness
    32. Chao (VRL-02415) - Pretty Faces VH20-037-0010
    33. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Jillian
    34. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Sun Paradox VH20-052-0007
    35. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Cherry Chiccona VH17-014-0049
    36. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Chinook's Helium VH14-037-0058
    37. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Love U VH17-052-0042
    38. Valo (VRL-14859) - BAFF Arpegiar Segundorico VH20-236-0007
    39. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ready Aim Fire
    40. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Ready Set Go
    41. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Beat The Rhytm VH19-014-0032
    42. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Blue Rock Rafael
    43. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Mustang's Rosy Vision VH17-016-0050
    44. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Mankalita Ino VH19-037-0003
    45. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Unspeakable Truth
    46. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Black Mind VH17-014-0104
    47. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Awhina VH20-002-0003
    48. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Bayleigh
    49. Chao (VRL-02415) - Old Man Jack VH20-037-0009
    50. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Ghalib ox VH19-003-0029
    51. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Cobra Strike DLHS VH18-014-0190
    52. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Crampton Hussock VH17-115-0006
    53. Viixi (VRL-13923) - Poppariprinssi
    54. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Winner Lena Ion
    55. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Mail Breaker VH15-014-0020
    56. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Candyday vtk VH18-014-0098
    57. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Taken by Taboo Things
    58. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Laugh Out Loud VH19-052-0016
    59. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Mustang's Evil Eye VH17-072-0006
    60. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Princess Kiss VH17-081-0017
    4. CUTTING 69 os.
    1. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Candyday vtk VH18-014-0098 
    2. Sorel (VRL-00884) - CHR Havana Rock VH16-014-0171 
    3. Chao (VRL-02415) - Running River VH20-055-0022 
    4. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Silcox 
    5. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Balthasar 
    6. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Curl Case VH18-081-0002 
    7. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Faster than You VH17-052-0043 
    8. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Silueta VH17-004-0001 
    9. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Princess Kiss VH17-081-0017
    10. Chao (VRL-02415) - Adooette VH20-055-0019
    11. Viixi (VRL-13923) - Poppariprinssi
    12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cristiane Delm
    13. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Beat The Rhytm VH19-014-0032
    14. Pierre (VRL-10531) - RWR Lakota Spirit
    15. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Okhmhaka VH19-037-0004
    16. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Laugh Out Loud VH19-052-0016
    17. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Catman
    18. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Comin’ On the Horizon
    19. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Love U VH17-052-0042
    20. Chao (VRL-02415) - Stolen Candy VH20-055-0018
    21. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Cherry Chiccona VH17-014-0049
    22. Chao (VRL-02415) - Huljihini VH20-055-0021
    23. Sorel (VRL-00884) - CHR Backtrack Child VH16-052-0071
    24. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Crampton Rianna VH17-115-0007
    25. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Goodbye to Yesterday
    26. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Heza Tingaling VH17-014-0050
    27. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Black Mind VH17-014-0104
    28. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Skyline Evander VH18-072-0011
    29. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Creciente VH18-083-0007
    30. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Autumn Dream VH19-014-0031
    31. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Nouvion Urban Wilderness
    32. Alisé (VRL-13542) - Rocco
    33. Chao (VRL-02415) - Peskelechaco VH20-055-0016
    34. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Namys Ms. Nightingale
    35. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Rígor Mortis VH18-083-0011
    36. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Zoisite Wiya VH19-179-0002
    37. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Awen Skittle
    38. Chao (VRL-02415) - Epache VH20-055-0017
    39. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Kinnanelly of S
    40. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Pretty Sure Too Cute
    41. Chao (VRL-02415) - IM Irina VH20-037-0011
    42. Chao (VRL-02415) - Enana Blanca VH20-055-0014
    43. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Headlock Pop VH06-052-5031
    44. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Sugilite Wiya VH19-102-0014
    45. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Accidentally On Purpose
    46. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Hummingbird
    47. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Crampton Arizing Honey
    48. Valo (VRL-14859) - BAFF Arpegiar Segundorico VH20-236-0007
    49. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Secretit VH17-014-0048
    50. Chao (VRL-02415) - Monchousia VH20-055-0015
    51. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Malibu Boo Boo VH14-052-0063
    52. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Miss Sixgun Sally
    53. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Revolver VH17-052-0028
    54. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Latifah ox VH19-003-0028
    55. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Kaliska Wiya VH19-014-0043
    56. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Zircon Wiya VH19-179-0003
    57. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Mankalita Ino VH19-037-0003
    58. Pierre (VRL-10531) - MR Action Sara
    59. Chao (VRL-02415) - Mimbreno VH20-055-0020
    60. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Bombproof Delm VH17-052-0006
    61. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - RHR Gangland West Coast VH14-014-0141
    62. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Ghalib ox VH19-003-0029
    63. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Hotfuzzorino ABG
    64. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Mustang's Evil Eye VH17-072-0006
    65. Sorel (VRL-00884) - B.B. Brink Pink
    66. Tanja (VRL-07777) - KH Dameer VH16-003-0186
    67. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Mustang's Rosy Vision VH17-016-0050
    68. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Sun Paradox VH20-052-0007
    69. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Magic Flute VH19-081-0002
    5. REINED COW HORSE 72 os.
    1. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Autumn Dream VH19-014-0031 
    2. Valo (VRL-14859) - BAFF Arpegiar Segundorico VH20-236-0007 
    3. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Magic Flute VH19-081-0002 
    4. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Ghalib ox VH19-003-0029 
    5. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Cherry Chiccona VH17-014-0049 
    6. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Beat The Rhytm VH19-014-0032 
    7. Alisé (VRL-13542) - Rocco
    8. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Whole Latte Love 
    9. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Crampton Arizing Honey
    10. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Catman
    11. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Secretit VH17-014-0048
    12. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Goodbye to Yesterday
    13. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Nouvion Urban Wilderness
    14. Chao (VRL-02415) - Monchousia VH20-055-0015
    15. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Crampton Rianna VH17-115-0007
    16. Pierre (VRL-10531) - MR Action Sara
    17. Chao (VRL-02415) - Huljihini VH20-055-0021
    18. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Mustang's Rosy Vision VH17-016-0050
    19. Chao (VRL-02415) - Mimbreno VH20-055-0020
    20. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - CHR Myth of the Phoenix VH17-014-0022
    21. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Make Them Suffer VH17-037-0005
    22. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Sugilite Wiya VH19-102-0014
    23. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Headlock Pop VH06-052-5031
    24. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hello Kitty Murder VH17-014-0038
    25. Viixi (VRL-13923) - Poppariprinssi
    26. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Faster than You VH17-052-0043
    27. Chao (VRL-02415) - Enana Blanca VH20-055-0014
    28. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Silcox
    29. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Princess Kiss VH17-081-0017
    30. Pierre (VRL-10531) - RWR Lakota Spirit
    31. Chao (VRL-02415) - Adooette VH20-055-0019
    32. Sorel (VRL-00884) - B.B. Brink Pink
    33. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Latifah ox VH19-003-0028
    34. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Eat My Dust VH19-014-0023
    35. Chao (VRL-02415) - Stolen Candy VH20-055-0018
    36. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Hotfuzzorino ABG
    37. Chao (VRL-02415) - Peskelechaco VH20-055-0016
    38. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Heza Tingaling VH17-014-0050
    39. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Kinnanelly of S
    40. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Zircon Wiya VH19-179-0003
    41. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Evolution VH18-014-0089
    42. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Sun Paradox VH20-052-0007
    43. Chao (VRL-02415) - Epache VH20-055-0017
    44. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Kaliska Wiya VH19-014-0043
    45. sarqquu (VRL-04734) - Knockout Queen VH17-014-0036
    46. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Mankalita Ino VH19-037-0003
    47. Chao (VRL-02415) - Running River VH20-055-0022
    48. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Curl Case VH18-081-0002
    49. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Cristiane Delm
    50. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Laugh Out Loud VH19-052-0016
    51. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Candyday vtk VH18-014-0098
    52. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Miss Sixgun Sally
    53. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Awen Skittle
    54. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Case Speech Radon VH14-014-0148
    55. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Balthasar
    56. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Black Mind VH17-014-0104
    57. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Accidentally On Purpose
    58. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Comin’ On the Horizon
    59. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Red Manace VH17-072-0013
    60. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Love U VH17-052-0042
    61. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Okhmhaka VH19-037-0004
    62. Sorel (VRL-00884) - CHR Havana Rock VH16-014-0171
    63. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Skyline Evander VH18-072-0011
    64. Tanja (VRL-07777) - KH Dameer VH16-003-0186
    65. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Namys Ms. Nightingale
    66. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Mustang's Evil Eye VH17-072-0006
    67. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Hummingbird
    68. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - White Diamond VH17-072-0014
    69. Pierre (VRL-10531) - Pretty Sure Too Cute
    70. Chao (VRL-02415) - IM Irina VH20-037-0011
    71. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Zoisite Wiya VH19-179-0002
    72. Sorel (VRL-00884) - CHR Backtrack Child VH16-052-0071
    6. CALF ROPING 62 os.
    1. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Silcox 
    2. Sorel (VRL-00884) - B.B. Brink Pink 
    3. Chao (VRL-02415) - Running River VH20-055-0022 
    4. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Balthasar 
    5. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Cherry Chiccona VH17-014-0049 
    6. Chao (VRL-02415) - Mimbreno VH20-055-0020 
    7. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Crampton Catman 
    8. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Kaliska Wiya VH19-014-0043
    9. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Candyday vtk VH18-014-0098
    10. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Heza Tingaling VH17-014-0050
    11. Chao (VRL-02415) - Monchousia VH20-055-0015
    12. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Zircon Wiya VH19-179-0003
    13. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - White Diamond VH17-072-0014
    14. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Princess Kiss VH17-081-0017
    15. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Mustang's Evil Eye VH17-072-0006
    16. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Case Speech Radon VH14-014-0148
    17. Chao (VRL-02415) - IM Irina VH20-037-0011
    18. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Mustang's Rosy Vision VH17-016-0050
    19. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Ghalib ox VH19-003-0029
    20. Sorel (VRL-00884) - CHR Backtrack Child VH16-052-0071
    21. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Mankalita Ino VH19-037-0003
    22. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Zoisite Wiya VH19-179-0002
    23. Valo (VRL-14859) - BAFF Arpegiar Segundorico VH20-236-0007
    24. Viixi (VRL-13923) - Poppariprinssi
    25. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Nouvion Urban Wilderness
    26. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Latifah ox VH19-003-0028
    27. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Hello Kitty Murder VH17-014-0038
    28. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Hummingbird
    29. Chao (VRL-02415) - Peskelechaco VH20-055-0016
    30. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Autumn Dream VH19-014-0031
    31. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Skyline Evander VH18-072-0011
    32. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Faster than You VH17-052-0043
    33. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Awen Skittle
    34. Chao (VRL-02415) - Stolen Candy VH20-055-0018
    35. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Kinnanelly of S
    36. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Beat The Rhytm VH19-014-0032
    37. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Black Mind VH17-014-0104
    38. Tanja (VRL-07777) - KH Dameer VH16-003-0186
    39. Chao (VRL-02415) - Epache VH20-055-0017
    40. Nicky (VRL-14087) - Hotfuzzorino ABG
    41. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Magic Flute VH19-081-0002
    42. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - CHR Myth of the Phoenix VH17-014-0022
    43. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Eat My Dust VH19-014-0023
    44. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Sugilite Wiya VH19-102-0014
    45. Sorel (VRL-00884) - CHR Havana Rock VH16-014-0171
    46. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Sun Paradox VH20-052-0007
    47. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Red Manace VH17-072-0013
    48. Chao (VRL-02415) - Enana Blanca VH20-055-0014
    49. Chao (VRL-02415) - Adooette VH20-055-0019
    50. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Secretit VH17-014-0048
    51. Tanja (VRL-07777) - Okhmhaka VH19-037-0004
    52. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Headlock Pop VH06-052-5031
    53. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Make Them Suffer VH17-037-0005
    54. Alisé (VRL-13542) - Rocco
    55. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Crampton Rianna VH17-115-0007
    56. Katariina K (VRL-00700) - Curl Case VH18-081-0002
    57. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Evolution VH18-014-0089
    58. Chao (VRL-02415) - Huljihini VH20-055-0021
    59. sarqquu (VRL-04374) - Whole Latte Love
    60. sarqquu (VRL-04734) - Knockout Queen VH17-014-0036
    61. Lithy (VRL-07127) - Love U VH17-052-0042
    62. Sorel (VRL-00884) - Laugh Out Loud VH19-052-0016